Friday, 29 January 2016

How to Dye Your Carpet

It is very possible for you carpet to get stained and discoloured way before it is actually worn out. You carpet could begin to look a lot older before its time even if you vacuum and clean it regularly. If your carpet is made out of materials like wool or nylon, many Mississauga carpet cleaning professionals say it could be a good idea to consider dyeing it. This will make your carpet look new again, extend it life (that way you don’t have to reinstall new carpet), and could possibly help your carpet better fit your home décor.
However, you do not want to dye your carpet if it is made out of acrylic, polyester or polypropylene. This is due to the fact that the fibers in carpets made out of those materials won’t absorb the dye properly. Also be warned that dyeing your carpet on your own can be very risky, but it is possible. However, if you don’t feel comfortable doing it yourself, call a professional to help.
Before you even think about dyeing your carpet, you want to consider what the cost and the effort will be to do so. You might want to show your carpet to a professional and get a quote about how much I might cost you. You want to use the numerical figure given to you as a judge of what would be more reasonable for you. If dong the job yourself will save you a lot more money than having a professional do it, then you may want to take on the job. If it would cost about the same to have a professional do the job as it would yourself and you’re not completely confident that you can do the job on your own, then you might as well hire the professional.
If you’ve decided to do the job yourself, you’ll want to choose the right fabric dye for your carpet. You also want to make sure you read the packaging of the dye carefully to make sure that it is safe for your carpet’s material. Some of your local fabric, Mississauga carpet cleaning, or home goods stores should carry carpet dye in a variety of different colours. It is also good to keep in mind that generally it is easier to dye your carpet a darker colour than its original colour and if your carpet has a lot of dark stains, you’ll want to use a colour darker than the one of the stains for the best results. It is extremely hard to dye a carpet a lighter colour.
Once you decide on a colour, you’ll want to remove all your furniture from the room in which you’re dyeing so that you can get full coverage of the area. That way you can prevent the dreaded idea of rearranging your room and finding that there are spots on your carpet that didn’t get dye. You also want to do this in order to prevent getting any of the dye on your furniture. You’ll then want to clean your carpet thoroughly with a steam cleaner and allow it to fully dry before dyeing it.
Once you’re ready to dye your carpet, you want to read the instructions on the dye package and mix the dye according to the manufacturer’s instructions. It’s good to note that you don’t want to be wearing nice clothes when dyeing your carpet, but rather an old pair of sweats and an old T-shirt. You will also want to wear eye goggles and gloves to help protect you.
Once you do this you can test an area of you carpet. If the area looks fine, you can proceed to dyeing your carpet. You want to start from the furthest corner of the room and work your way towards the exit. Once you finish the application you’ll want to let it dry completely and keep everyone out of the room while this is happening. Once it’s dry, you can now enjoy your “new” carpet. 
Bonus Tip:
Do you know how to remove makeup stains from your carpet? Check out our previous post written by the North York carpet cleaning crew.

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