Thursday, 18 February 2016

Toronto carpet cleaning

Fleas absolutely love carpets. These tiny critters have breed and make homes in our carpets on a daily basis. It’s imperative for you to ensure you are living in a flea free environment as these bugs can have a negative effect on both people and animals.
Before learning how to get rid of fleas, you should try your best to prevent them. The Toronto carpet cleaning experts urge all animal owners to ensure all of their pets are free of fleas. As this is not something we can always see with the human eye, you are urged to look out for signs that your pet may be infested. Some signs include:
§  Extensive itching
§  Red eyes
§  Moaning
§  Obvious signs of being uncomfortable
Now, if you do find that your pet has fleas, visit your local vet and pick up the appropriate bath soaps. In extreme cases, some vets may recommend you to undergo more serious procedures. Whatever you do, never leave your pet itchy and uncomfortable. Fleas can quickly travel to your couches, clothes, car fabric and other places.
Car Uphoulstery Cleaning Tips & Tricks 
Having flea invested carpets can be solved so long as proper methods are being used and followed. Below, our experts will explain some of the main solutions:
1.      Borax powder and salt.
Using borax powder and salt for the purpose of removing fleas from your carpet is known as the most effective way of naturally removing fleas. The borax powder kills the fleas, while the salt effectively demolishes the flea eggs. Many people have found this to be one of the best solutions, apart from calling an expert for assistance. 
2.      Professional Carpet Steam Cleaning
Calling a Toronto carpet cleaning company is a very wise idea in the event that fleas are present. In all actuality, you should be receiving professional carpet cleanings every 12-18 months. Experts will use a mixture of their cleaner and water in order to not only remove fleas, but any other dangerous germs in your carpet. By the way, you should call an expert instead of renting a machine on your own. 
3.      Regular Vacuuming
If you recently found out that your pet has fleas, always examine all areas of your home. As stated above, it is not easy for the human eye to spot flees, so, carefully vacuum all carpeted areas and uphoulstery items in your home. This solution is not as effective as steam cleaning; however, it is a decent temporary fix. 
4.      Pest Control Specialists
Phoning a pest control company will guarantee you excellent results so long as they’re reputable. They have the proper tools and equipment in order to spot and remove fleas from both inside and outside of your home. Once they have exited your home, you should call a carpet cleaning expert so that you receive the freshness of a quality clean. 
Do You Have Flea Bites?
Spotting flea bites is quite easy. Unlike many mosquito bites, they are small in size, and you’ll notice a red halo around the centre of the bite. You will never notice one bit, but multiple bites in the same area. There’s a 99% chance that fleas will bite you around your ankles and legs, as opposed to any other part of your body.
The symptoms associated with flea bites are:
§  Itchiness
§  Rashes (hives)
§  Soreness
§  Redness
§  Infection 
Always solve your flea problem as soon as possible. Waiting too long can result in serious symptoms and uncomfortable situations. There are many DIY solutions and experts available in order to assist you with your issue.

Friday, 12 February 2016

Mississauga carpet cleaning 

Car Uphoulstery Cleaning Tips & Tricks
It has been proven that a car is one of the biggest investments the average person will ever make in their lifetime. In saying that, it is wise for you to protect and keep your investment looking pristine at all times. The Mississauga carpet cleaning experts see an immense amount of vehicle owners enter their shops on a daily basis in order to receive more of a professional look. Cleaning your car on your own will present you with amazing results if it’s done properly, however, it still won’t look as astonishing as having it professionally cleaned. If you choose to clean your car uphoulstery on your own, you should take heed to this imperative advice: 
Uphoulstery Stains
1.     Mix 1 cup of water and ¼ cup of baking soda together. Grab a brush and gently
rub your stains away with the solution.

2.     Club soda mixed with water.

3.     Water and clear ammonia.

4.     Baby wipes.

5.     Uphoulstery cleaning solutions

6.     Call a professional carpet cleaning company

Horrible Odours
Fill 2 bowls with vinegar. Place one bowl on the dashboard of your car and the other on
the very back seat. You may also place one in the middle row if you have a truck or van.
Ensure all of the doors/windows are clean and leave the bowls there overnight.
The vinegar should effectively remove the smells of odour.

When you are cleaning your car seats, you should not use a lot of water. Too much moisture is recipe for disaster when it comes to fabric. Mississauga carpet cleaning experts have found that too moisture leads to damaged, horribly smelling uphoulstery. Getting too much water even on the metal part of your seats can lead to rust. In addition to these facts, an extensive amount of moisture allows your car to effectively house mould.
Many vehicle owners have certain rules in place in order to avoid food stains from occurring in their car. If you aren’t the type to put such rules in place, you should read up on our blog about how to remove chocolate stains from car uphoulsteryChocolate stains are extremely common in cars due to the fact that it is a well loved treat, and, as many children love to consume chocolate, you can almost guarantee a mess.
Cleaning your car’s interior on a regular basis poses many benefits for you. We have listed some main benefits below:
§  Higher re-sale price
§  Increases the value of your car should you decide to trade it in
§  Allows for your passengers to breathe in clean, germ free air
§  Prevents critters from making homes in your fabric or leather
§  Reduces the chances of mould
§  Gives your car a more appealing look
§  Allows you and passengers to comfortably travel 
Regardless of the stain that is present, or the odour that doesn’t seem to go away – there will always be a solution. If you find it too difficult to remove the issue(s) on your own, don’t hesitate to call on a reputable carpet cleaning company. Many of them specialize in car uphoulstery cleaning. Cruise around in a car that looks impeccable from inside out!

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Toronto carpet cleaning 

Despite the actual square footage of your home and the amount of furniture you have, the possibility of noticing old stains remains the same. Toronto carpet cleaning companies are often contacted by individuals who have tried, but failed to remove their carpet stains on their own. They either failed due to the fact that they were not using the right products or their stain was there for too long. Some might ask, “What is too long?” Well, according to many experts, even 10 minutes is too long! If you notice a stain, you should always refrain from allowing it stay in your carpet as this could lead to permanent damage. However, in some cases, you can surely remove a stain that has been present even for a year! 
Your Checklist
Before you begin the process of cleaning, you must ensure you have all of the products you need. Some people decide to skip the home remedies and buy carpet cleaning solutions from stores. Their decision isn’t necessarily bad, however, some over the counter cleaners aren’t as effective as they seem. It is probably best for you to try cleaning your stain using some home remedies. In this case, we will present you with the most popular home remedy. 
You will need:
1.      Baking soda
2.      Vinegar
3.      Water
4.      Microfibre cloth (2)
5.      Vacuum 
How to Remove Your Year Old Stains
1.      Before anything, mix some vinegar and water together in a spray bottle. There should be an even amount of both liquids in your bottle. It is recommended by many Toronto carpet cleaning specialists that you ensure the spray bottle is completely clean. If you have used other chemicals in the bottle before, you should soak for about 30 minutes prior to using it on your carpets. Certain chemicals can leave your carpet completely damaged. You best bet is to buy a container that is brand new, soak it for a bit, and proceed to clean your carpets. 
2.      Now, it’s time to use your baking soda. Baking soda is excellent for removing stains that have present for a long time on almost any surface. Due to the fact that it’s more of a powdery substance, some people prefer to use a different cleaning solution because it can be quite a nuisance to clean up. However, in this case, so long as you have a vacuum, you are okay. Take your baking soda and place it on the carpet over the effect area. Your stain should no long be visible as the baking soda will be completely covering it. 
3.      Grab your vinegar/water mix and spray it over your baking soda. If the stain is extremely visible and has been there for a while, don’t be afraid to almost empty the bottle. Your goal is completely remove this stain so that you can avoid the costly option of replacing your entire carpet. 
4.      Wait around 2-3 hours as soon as you squeeze the final spray out of your bottle. While you’re waiting, the solutions are working together to effectively remove your stain. Don’t be in a rush to see the results! You could always watch a few movies to kill time. 
5.      Plug in your vacuum cleaner and run it over the affected area until you no longer see the baking soda. Hopefully, you’ll no longer see the stain too! 
Call a Professional
If the steps noted above didn’t work for you, or if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call a Toronto carpet cleaning company.

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

How to Patch a Carpet

It’s inevitable that one day you will need to patch up your carpet. It’s important, as a homeowner, to know how to take care of little issues like this. Knowing how to complete tasks like this could save you a lot of money and time in the long run. Things cigarette burns, spills, and other messes could ruin parts of your carpet. However, Toronto carpet cleaning experts believe that with a little time and a few supplies, it is easy to fix a problem like this.
The first thing you’ll want to do is measure the area of the carpet that has been damaged and needs repairing. You should use a tape measure to accurately measure the size of the patch that will need to be taken up out of the carpet. This will make cutting the replacement patch for the area a lot easier since you know the exact measurements. You then want to tape off the area of the carpet that will be removed. You should use duct tape, because of the strong adhesive, to outline the piece of carpet that is to be removed. Once you put down the duct tape, you’ll want to measure the area again to check and make sure they match up with the dimensions of the previous measurements you made.

Once you do this, you are ready to remove the damaged section of your carpeting. You can use a utility knife or a carpet cutting tool to cut along the inside edges of the duct tape you placed as a guide. You want to apply enough pressure so that it cuts through the carpet, but not so much that it damages the padding underneath it. Once you have gone along all the edges of the duct tape, then you can lift the section of the carpet up off the surface.
You’ll then want to measure and cut the replacement patch for the area of the carpet you just removed. As many Toronto carpet cleaning say, you want to turn the carpet remnant face down and measure from the bottom side with a pencil and then use the utility knife or carpet cutter to cut out the patch of carpet.
Once all of the preparation is done, you can prepare the carpet to become one with the patch. When doing this, it is easiest to use an adhesive disk. First, you’ll want to neutralize the disk temporarily by putting a small amount of water on it so the adhesive isn’t as strong. Then you’ll want to lift the edges of the carpet surrounding the hole and place the adhesive disk underneath with the adhesive side facing upward. You want to make sure that the adhesive disk is larger than replacement patch because you want the disk to adhere to the replacement patch as well as some of the surrounding carpet. Then when the patch becomes sticky again, you want to press down on the outer edge of the carpet to lock it into place.
In order to make it look like there is no patch, must align the patch so that the direction of the fibers in the patch match the direction of the fibers in the rest of the carpet. After fifteen minutes. The glue will set and permanently anchor your patch in place so you want to work quickly. Finally, smooth the pile of the carpeting to hide the seams of the patch. Depending on the type of carpet, this may be accomplished by brushing your fingers around the perimeter of the patch, or using a carpet brush to encourage the fibers on the patch to move in the same direction as the rest of the carpet.

Friday, 5 February 2016

How Do You Take Care of an Antique Rug?

Using the age old adage, ‘old is gold’, might be just a little cliché but in the case of carpets, it is aptly appropriate. Some museums and art collections, house rugs that predate most modern day religions. Even more impressive is that these works of art have retained much of their attractiveness, even after a couple of thousand years. With that in mind, you might be tempted into purchasing an antique rug. I am not suggesting you try to get your hands on a rug that has a manufacturing date with the letters B.C in it. There are plenty of antique carpet stores in Toronto that will give you a fair price on a piece which is 75 to a 100 years old. Antique rugs require special attention, so it is important to be well versed in carpet cleaning. 
Basic Spills: According to North York carpet cleaning professionals, older Persian rugs are made up of lanolin-rich wool, which has natural stain repelling capabilities. The wool has naturally occurring proteins that stop seepage into the core of the fibre. It is the first line of defence, kind of like the bodies white blood cells. So most spills can be cleaned by using a paper towel to blot up the liquid. If a stain does pop up, this is one of the rare occasions you can use shampoo. Since wool is similar to human hair, shampoo makes for an effective cleaning agent. You can also use colourless detergent and plain white vinegar to treat stains. When cleaning the rug you have to be careful, you are dealing with a product that has a few miles on it. Since the fibre is older, try to resist the temptation to scrub, it will result in irreversible discolouration. Always try to blot the stain and make use of a non-electric carpet sweeper. A deadly nemesis of modern day carpets is red wine, the elderly members of the carpet family are more resilient to the alignment. Wine spills can be removed with just paper towels. 
Tumbling: Try not to clean an antique rug too frequently. Antique rugs should almost never be vacuumed, sweep the carpet with a brush a couple of times a week. Let the rug’s natural defences take care of itself. Something you would want to do every five to six years is hire a professional cleaner to tumble the carpet. A tumbler is not to be mistaken with the bat mobile from Christopher Nolan’s trilogy. According to the North York carpet cleaning gurus, a carpet tumbler is a large clothes drier that has slower revolutions. It gently removes, dust and dirt from the roots of the carpet without leaving behind abrasions. Mississauga carpet Cleaners claim that most professionals have this machine in their repertoire.     
Sunlight: Older carpets are impervious to bouts of extreme sunlight. That being said as they age, they become more prone to fading. Use a clear plastic film on your windows, it will not change the colour of the glass or reduce the lighting in your room. What it will do is reduce the amount of UV exposure on the surface of the carpet. Rotate the carpet a couple of times a year to even out the gradual softening effect of sunlight and the wear and tear of foot traffic. 
Moths: Moths are deadly to older rugs and the remedy has nothing to do with the carpet. Moths like cold, damp and dark environments, preferably with a bit of decomposition. Keep your room clean and well ventilated and you will not have a moth problem period. 
Other useful tips include, brushing with a straw broom, keep the rug on a padded surface rather than directly on the floor, do not place heavy furniture on the rug and keep the room dry. Antique rugs do need special care; then again this is not an investment of a lifetime but one that could possibly transcend generations. As many North York carpet cleaning experts say, over time the carpet may get worn but you can be certain it will never get old.

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

North York carpet cleaning

Do you ever wonder how others are able to effortlessly keep their carpets looking brand new at all times? Do you ever wonder how a white carpet stays white even after 2-3 years? Well, the North York carpet cleaning experts have some ground breaking tips that will enable you to present your guests with a brand spanking new looking carpet each and every time they visit. 
Vacuum Daily
This may seem like a hard task, however, it surely does pay off. Your carpet holds thousands of small dirt particles that can easily cause marks as many people walk along it. If you choose to vacuum on a daily basis, most of those dirt particles will be removed from your carpet, which in turn, will cease the possibility of dirt marks appearing. In addition to that, many allergens and germs that can be very harmful to children are removed by the vacuum. 
Clean Spills Immediately
It goes without saying that leaving spills in your carpet is a horrible idea. You should always refrain from leaving any spills for too long as this will result in the possibility of a permanent stain. It is suggested by many North York carpet cleaning professionals that you use either proven home remedies or carpet cleaning solutions for the purpose of removing stains. 
Blot, Don’t Rub
When you are in the process of cleaning spills, always remember to blot the affected area as opposed to rubbing the solution into the carpet. By blotting the area, you are decreasing the chances of noticing a change of texture in the carpet. You carpet also lasts longer once you blot instead of rub. 
Carpet Cleaning Services
Many people are unaware of the fact that they are supposed to clean their carpets professionally once every 12-18 months. Instead of attempting to clean your carpet on your own all the time, you should call a reputable carpet cleaning company. They can effectively remove excess germs and dirt that are nearly impossible to remove without utilizing high quality machinery. Don’t be afraid to do a lot of research so that you can ensure the company in which you are hiring is honest, knowledgeable and reliable – amongst many other traits.
Buy Doormats
Doormats do an excellent job at reducing the immense amount of dirt that can be brought into your home. They come in many shapes, styles and size and can be found at many local stores. 
Purchase High-Quality Products Only
Don’t just go for the $2 carpet cleaning solution due to the fact that it is cheaper than the reputable $40 solution. Purchasing low-quality products is not a wise idea, especially if you would like to prolong the life of your carpet. You could end up spending a lot of money in order to fix a carpet that was damaged. 
Tips In A Nutshell
Follow these tips in order to prolong the life of your carpet, and keep it looking brand new at all times:
§  Call a professional North York carpet cleaning company every 12-18 months
§  Vacuum daily
§  Purchase high-quality products
§  Do not allow shoes on your carpet
§  Purchase door mats
§  Clean spills ASAP
§  Do not scrub your carpet – blot it instead
§  Use clean towels on your carpet
§  Deodorize your carpet regularly 

Monday, 1 February 2016

What are some safe carpet cleaning products for pets?

The other day, I read a truly tragic story. A woman in New Jersey hired a local carpet cleaning company, they did a fantastic job, unfortunately a couple of days later all three of her cats started showing symptoms of food poisoning. Within the week, the home was shrouded in a black veil, not one feline survived. I love animals and almost all pet owners love their pets. Your pets really cannot help it, they topple their food and water bowls, they have a distinct animal smell and they are prone to accidents. A lot of carpet cleaning agents are poisonous to our smaller companions, so when you hire a carpet cleaner, it is essential that they are well acquainted with the four legged residents of your home. 
According to Toronto Carpet Cleaning professionals, most over the counter cleaning agents are pet safe, try to follow the instructions label. As long as you let the agent dry, the residue is not harmful. Keep your pet away from the cleaning area till everything is squeaky clean and if you still have concerns, just give everything a second wash. Still, mother nature has been kind enough to give us natural ingredients that are corrosive enough to deal with everyday stains.
Dry Baking Soda: Everyone is very well aware of baking soda’s magical power of absorbing odours. At one time or another we have applied baking soda on the inside of our shoes. Baking soda is so abrasive it will even clear up the wet dog spell. Sprinkle dry baking soda on your carpet, let it sit for about an hour before using the vacuum. It will take out almost any kind of odour. 
Baking Soda Paste: Take equal parts baking soda and water, make a thick paste and season it with a pinch of salt. The resulting paste is perfect for stubborn stains and odours. Give the carpet a well rounded wash after marination, it will be sparkly clean.  It is one of the strongest yet safest cleaning agents you can use around the house. The paste can also be used to remove stains from counter tops and tables. The best part, the process is dirt cheap. 
Lemon and Vinegar:  As great as baking soda is, lemon and vinegar come in as a close second. Sprinkle lemon on alkaline stains and the the acid battles the alkaline molecules. Scroll through Google really quick, to find out which stains are alkaline in nature. With Vinegar, mix it with simple detergents and you have a proper home made cleaning agent. The best part with these cleaning agents, is that it leaves behind a fresh scent on your carpet. You can apply essential oils to vinegar solutions, to really get a pleasant fragrance throughout the house. 
If you are a bit too busy to commit to cleaning your carpets, you can always go with professionals. If you have a house, where every inch of the floor is covered in carpets, you might not want to take the time to make a day of it.
Toronto Carpet Cleaning professionals say that almost every legitimate carpet cleaning company has pet friendly cleaning solutions. Having a pet is a real commitment, it is similar to having children.